CSS / 3
Custom Built
Custom Built
Back & Front End Developer - in ALL respects!
I'm a web developer
What's That?
I develop websites and applications
Oh! Like Angry Birds!
[FacePalm] No; like Google & Shopping Carts
You made Google! Awesome, I love Goo...
[FacePalm] Nooo. Ummm, I build the internet ... ?
Oh! Cool!
Research, Plan, Design, Develop, Deploy, Market, Maintain,
Update and Nurture
Make sure the project is done with the highest standards of SEO so when we market, it works!
Customer Service, Quality Control, Consultations, Board Room Presentations, Meetings, Proposals & Bids
WHM/cPanel, SSL, Networking, DNS Management, Multi-tier platform, Security, Help Desk, Data Recovery, Hosting, SLAs
Articulate, Socially Diverse, Confident, Tech to layman, Presentable, Outgoing & Approachable, Patient & Understanding
UI / UX, Business Efficiency, Computer Tech, Photography, Reverse Engineering, Feeder of the Linux Locker Gnomes
Analytics, Webmaster, Web fonts, Graphs, API, Voice, Hangout, Gmail
Photoshop, Acrobat, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, InDesign, PageMaker, Flash
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage, Outlook, Publisher
Cute FTP Pro, Notepad++, Sublime Text 2, Netbeans IDE, WordPress, WooCommerce, Joomla, Avactis, OpenCart, cPanel, WHM, CentOS, Apache, CFS