What We Love

  • HTML5 / CSS3

    Wrote our first website almost 24 years ago - HTML 3.2 and CSS 1 - man has the Internet changed since then!!

  • JS / jQuery

    JS & jQuery are meant to be unobtrusive - let's try to keep it that way shall we!!

  • Bash

    We've been Bashing for about 16 years. Kind of funny the things you learn when you don't mean too!

  • Hosting

    For the past 18 years or so, we've done our own hosting - and EVERY aspect of a server administrator!!

Scope of Skills

  • PHP

    Be it a simple applet, dynamic website, or an ultra-complex web app, we rock PHP all the way!!

  • Databases

    Most cringe at the word; yet we call it home! Guess it just compliments my analytical personality!

  • APIs

    We love building and working with APIs!! Google, Twitter, and Facebook are obviously the most famous.

  • Ajax

    Maybe it's because we like light weight websites, or maybe it's that feeling of "magic" - either way .... Ajax Baby!!

Languages Used in the Last 100 Projects

PHP 88
MySQL 85
CSS 93
JS 92
jQuery 90
PhotoShop 73
API 60
Plug-ins 61
ACP 43

Fluent Languages

  • PHP / MySQL

    • PHP 3 to 6
    • OOP / Procedural
    • APIs
    • PDO / MySQL Queries
    • Ajax
  • HTML / HTML 5

    • HTML / 5
    • Responsive
    • Frameworks
    • Forms & Tables
    • Twitter Bootstrap
  • CSS / CSS 3

    CSS / 3



  • JS / jQuery

    • jQuery 1 & 2
    • jQuery Touch
    • Custom Plugins
    • Ajax
  • CMS

    Custom Built



  • APIs




    Custom Built

What We Do

Back & Front End Developer - in ALL respects!

Not all developers can do both front and backend development - excellently

Back End
Front End

Applications, Websites, APIs, Search Engine Optimization, eCommerce, WordPress, Tools, Bots, Complex / Simple / Average, Secure, etc! We L❤VE to build functional things!

Frequent Conversation

I'm a web developer

What's That?

I develop websites and applications

Oh! Like Angry Birds!

[FacePalm] No; like Google & Shopping Carts

You made Google! Awesome, I love Goo...

[FacePalm] Nooo. Ummm, I build the internet ... ?

Oh! Cool!

What We Do

  • Development +Life Cycle

    Research, Plan, Design, Develop, Deploy, Market, Maintain,
    Update and Nurture

  • SEO / Advertise / Marketing

    Make sure the project is done with the highest standards of SEO so when we market, it works!

  • Client Management

    Customer Service, Quality Control, Consultations, Board Room Presentations, Meetings, Proposals & Bids

  • Web Server Admin

    WHM/cPanel, SSL, Networking, DNS Management, Multi-tier platform, Security, Help Desk, Data Recovery, Hosting, SLAs

  • Communication

    Articulate, Socially Diverse, Confident, Tech to layman, Presentable, Outgoing & Approachable, Patient & Understanding

  • Oddball Skills

    UI / UX, Business Efficiency, Computer Tech, Photography, Reverse Engineering, Feeder of the Linux Locker Gnomes

Tools of the Trade

Analytics, Webmaster, Web fonts, Graphs, API, Voice, Hangout, Gmail

Photoshop, Acrobat, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, InDesign, PageMaker, Flash

Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage, Outlook, Publisher

Cute FTP Pro, Notepad++, Sublime Text 2, Netbeans IDE, WordPress, WooCommerce, Joomla, Avactis, OpenCart, cPanel, WHM, CentOS, Apache, CFS

Your awesome project is just a click away ...


Cowboy Town
A rustic western website

Project overview

Cowboy Town commissioned us to create a unique, rustic, western styled website.

What We did

Spent countless hours researching authentic rustic western / cowboy material. Set our mind back several decades and tried to envision how "cowboys" would have designed a website.

With ideas in mind, we fired up PhotoShop and began creating. After a few sessions of pushing pixels around, we submitted the elements for review. Upon much praise, we began converting the PSD to HTML5 and CSS3 with a touch of unobtrusive jQuery to spice things up just a bit, and used embedded fonts.

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Topped the website off with some proper Search Engine Optimization and launched to an awaiting crowd of people eager to share the love!

We also created the logo in vector format which was applied to company vehicles, store windows, billboards, and on-line avatars and advertising.

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Tools used

PhotoShop HTML5 CSS3 jQuery PHP Sublime Text Illustrator

Client Feedback

The site got rave reviews from Shaun!

Erin Owner
  • Cowboy Town Index Page
  • Cowboy Town At The Ranch Page
  • Cowboy Town About Us Page
  • Cowboy Town Contact Us Page
  • Cowboy Town Facebook Page

Database Code Generator
An AWESOME developer's tool for working with databases and websites / web applications!

  • DBCG Logged In
  • DBCG PDO Insert
  • DBCG Clean Post Variables
  • DBCG HTML5 Form
  • DBCG Database Statistics

Project overview

After years of writing PHP and MySQL forms and queries by hand, we decided enough was enough. We tried copying and pasting (reusing) code, using snippets, and writing generic functions to do some heavy lifting of database interactions but ultimately, it was all time consuming; and not every project is worth the overhead of OOP.

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We had tried all the techniques, tips, and tricks we could Google, for working more efficiently with forms and database interactions - everything we found was still time consuming. We sat back and thought, "What if we could dump a database on a page and just remove the stuff we don't need? Surely its faster to highlight and delete rather than write it from scratch ..." And so came the birth of our Database Code Generator.

We set out to create a tool that will hook into any database we point it at, evaluate its columns and give us over 100 different options that we can copy and paste into the project without having to write a lick!

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What We did

This is written in PHP 5 using nothing more than Sublime Text!! We hand code everything we do!

We started by creating the back-end - a simple "Select All" query that displayed the result in an HTML Table. Worked like a dream! Easier deleting the few columns (query and table) than coding everything else!! We started adding more and more functions as time went on.

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Then we made it more universal: DBCG hooks into a database and displays its tables. We select the table we want to work with and then the system grabs the columns from that table. We select what we want the system to generate and click it. Copy and paste the code into the project and we're done!

This project is under continual development!

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Tools used

PHP 5 OOP MySQL HTML5 CSS3 jQuery PrettyPrint Font-Awesome Modulated for Plugins

Client Feedback

I must say this is one awesome piece of script here! This is going to save me so much time. I can't begin to describe how handy this truly is. Bradley, you are a rocking godsend!

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I was looking for something like this. I have tried a few other programs before (a lot more expensive like 30X as much!) This is what I needed! I am a moderate coder, this just boasts production time, I can easily edit the code to fit my needs! I am using phpBB for a user management (why reinvent the wheel eh?) and so far the integration is going smoothly. There are some things in the database such as User ID that I don't want displayed but removing that is much quicker then having to code all this my self! Keep up the great work!

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A Web Masters dream toolbox!!

Project overview

Being a Web Master is not as easy as it once was, and some make it harder than what it needs to be!

This is a toolbox every Web Master wants, but no one wants to code!!

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When we have free time, we write bots and tools. When not writing bots/tools out of necessity, we get ideas by searching the web for tools others have written and write them in our own unique way.

Some call it reinventing the wheel, we call it coding for fun - practice does make perfect!!

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What We did

We custom wrote just about every one of these tools - some out of necessity, others just for fun. We selfishly kept these on our private internal server for many, many years - tweaking, improving, perfecting. One day we were like "You know what? We should share these!" and so our toolkit was released.

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So, here it is, a toolbox with over 80 different tools dedicated to Web Master like our selfs

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Tools used

PHP 6 MySQL HTML5 CSS3 jQuery Ajax API [In & Out] Font-Awesome

Client Feedback

Let's be honest! I'm generous, but not here to supply my tools to the competitors!

Bradley Klco Web Developer
  • AnIonSEO Home Page
  • AnIonSEO Main Menu
  • AnIonSEO Image Validator Page
  • AnIonSEO Link Validator Page
  • AnIonSEO Meta Tag Generator Page